How do I create a team and invite new members to join it?

If you've signed up for a Team plan and you're the main contact for the account, you'll have the option to create a team and manage the seats within it from your IRIS Clarity dashboard. 

  • Sign in from the IRIS Clarity website.
    If you haven’t created your Team account yet, see “I've been invited to join a team. How do I accept and sign up?
  • Go to the Team tab, which you’ll be the only one to see as the team admin. 
  • Click on “Manage team” to update your team name and start inviting users.
  • Add all the emails for the people you’d like to invite, separated by a comma, and click “Invite users” when you’re done. You can repeat this step as needed.
  • Keep track of when users accept their invitation from the Team tab, under the Status column. Once they create their account, their status will change from “invited” to “active"

